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Kim Elliott

Yep, this is me. I am a freelance fashion designer, I now multitask. I try to be a good mum, that’s my main goal in life. I am friendly, patient and nurturing. I am not your stereotypical fashion designer. So please don’t be scared, we’re not all as scary as we’re sometimes made out to be!


Teenager Ollie Black

My muse, my inspiration, and my business partner. Who rocks. Makes me laugh. And sorts out the play list as my music is not very good apparently! A whizz at fixing sewing machines!


Monsieur Fifi Layfayette

Meet our French, vintage and absolutely gorgeous Stockman mannequin. And yes that’s her name, don’t ask!



My amazing husband, a brilliant dad, and all round lovely man. Without his support I would get nothing done. I want to teach him to sew!